Transport between Sigiriya and Kandy and Vegetable stalls
On the road between Sigiriya and Kandy (just over 90 km) we saw some big vegetable stalls by the road.
Some of the vegetables we had seen before, but there were also others, as we had never seen before.
It looked very hot.

Look for prices in Vegetable stalls
If you are interested in what the individual vegetables cost, just look at this price tag 🙂

Coconuts can be used for many things

Next stop was at a family, where we got shown what one can use a coconut to – and it is not so little. You can practically use everything.
For example, a mixture of pressed coconut and coconut water is used as coconut milk (that we know of course from cooking, etc.)
The shell itself can be used for garden coverings, bowls and even jewelry etc.
The fibers can be used for ropes, string, blankets and mats. We saw how to twist the string (!) to make it thicker and thicker.
Finally, coconut whiskey can be made of meat. Unfortunately, we did not see that 🙁

Spice plantation
The next stop was the visit to a spice plantation – Ranweli Spice Garden, where we were presented and told about all possible spices, as we know at home, but also some unknowns.
First we had a tour of the area where we could see the plants and we got explained and shown how the individual plants looks like and what they can be used for.
In addition to being used for spices, they are used for natural medicine in Sri Lanka. This application is very important in Sri Lanka.
The Jackfruit is meant by some to be the world’s biggest fruit. It can be almost a meter long and a half meter thick.
A large fruit weighs between 10 and 50 kilos. However, export fruit weighs “only” 2-12 kilograms.
After that our local guide had reported about the various fruits, we “accidentally” got past a shop where you could buy spices, etc.

We only bought a single bag of spices and some Ceylon tea.